Friday, August 6, 2010

Promises We Can Keep - July 16, 2010

Shabbat Shalom!
At the July 7 Board of Trustees meeting, Board members participated in my D’var Torah at the beginning of the meeting by developing a list of the promises and pledges that they make as leaders of the congregation. This list, which is also appropriate for all Temple members, has the potential to guide us in the coming months to add quality and vitality to our community:
Promises as Leaders (and Members) of Temple Israel of Dover
*Work for the welfare of the community
*Promote Judaism and Jewish values
*Commitment (or keep commitments)
*Generosity of spirit
*Be ambassadors of Temple to the general community and prospective members
*Make our Temple community come alive
*Active participation
*Be open-hearted
There are items on this list that echo Moses’ “farewell speech” that begins the Book of Deuteronomy (in this week's Torah reading). In the first three chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses recounted the travels of the Israelites, and some of their struggles and challenges. He highlighted the delegation of judgment to magistrates who were to show no partiality, to carefully listen to those of both “high and low” station in the community when matters came before them. Moses included in his narrative the event (striking a rock to begin a flow of water instead of speaking to it, as he was commanded) that prevented him from crossing into Canaan with the Israelites. One has to admire Moses’ honesty in looking back, which enabled him set an example through his leadership. Rules that governed rituals and behavior were all important, and Moses had to follow them as much as the Israelites themselves. That was the only way in which he could effectively be a leader.
As we continue moving forward on our journey as members of a Temple community, may we set examples for each other, practicing the best of our values in all that we do!
Rabbi Larry

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