I think it's time to get a blog started here. I write a lot in my "day job" (rabbi at Temple Israel in Dover, NH) but music is just as much an important expression for me - listening, singing, and writing. The songs come when I have something to say or when a text that I am reading or studying moves me to make a musical commentary - or, sometimes, even the news in the world seems to call out for a response. I hope to always find time to do this. With many of my songs recorded only on Garageband on my laptop (my last four years of songwriting, following the creation of the songs on my two studio CDs), I hope to share that music in some way, even if it's just with those mp3s from my computer. Two of the "garageband" songs are already up on this site for listening.
Having just watched the "Thriller" video on television this morning, I am thinking about Michael Jackson's many contributions to the music and entertainment world, but the words especially from "Man in the Mirror" stick out in my mind as a message for everyone - to start with change in ourselves in order to change the world.
I am also intrigued by the return of one of my favorite songwriters, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam, to creating music that speaks to everyone. His sense of meaning and humor were well demonstrated during his BBC Radio 2 concert on June 3 and on his new album, Roadsinger.
I hope to find venues to share my music in the near future in the Jewish community context but in other arenas as well. I appreciate all those who have encouraged me throughout the years and hope to find more teachers and colleagues to guide me along my continuing musical journey.